Not such an amazing day

So I was pretty proud of myself: after a 5-day weekend, I was at school just in time for the earliest morning of the week: 8am! (Some of you out there are saying, "boo-hoo", I know. But! I rode a bike half an hour to get there. So ha!)
That's when my first bit of bad-luck occurred. I went to class, and saw that they were writing a test. The teacher said, "oh! I'm sorry! I sent you a text", and sure enough, she had, that very morning, about 3 minutes after I woke up at 6:30.
But hey, I like reading in an empty staffroom. So I read some German history magazine, and then a english book about growing pot, then I went to my other class, and didn't do too much there, and started biking to the elementary school, where I help last block on Wednesdays. That's when back luck number two happened. I was coasting down a hill, and I saw that there was a lady with a stroller on the sidewalk, so I thought, "oh! I'll just drive around her, on the road!". No problem - no traffic or anything. But the driveway entrance I thought I saw wasn't really so low, so I didn't quite make it back onto the sidewalk/bikepath.
Well, I did, but in more of a skid-to-a-halt-on-hands-and-knee way. It didn't ever really hurt much, but it was a heck of a shock.
The worst part was the spectators. A car driving by slowed down, and I had to shout, "just fine!" in German, when all I wanted to do was sit for a moment. Then the lady with the stroller was there, offering to take me home and patch me up (so sweet!), but I didn't quite feel up to the German-chatting-with-a-stranger, and I was a bit ashamed to be taken care of at 23. So I said, (honestly) that home wasn't far away, and I biked (slowly and carefully) home.
Luckily, I have about 2 hours between schools on Wednesday, so I was still at the elementary school about an hour early, where they told me that they wouldn't need me - they had to shuffle the schedule to fill in for a missing teacher.
So I skinned my knee and hands, and ripped a favourite pair of jeans, so I could make it to one less-than-interesting class today.
Boo. Choir better be good tonight.
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