Thursday, September 14, 2006

Finding a balance

Hello hello!

The news is petering out... life is starting to calm down!

Last weekend, I went sailing with my current family, the Bensels, on their boat, with another host family, the Nerees. This meant sharing a bunk room with three boys and one girl under 12... I think I'm learning new limits to my patience! But really, I had a wonderful time - sailboats are so relaxing... just floating along... the only wacky moment is when you change directions and suddenly the boat goes from leaning heavily to one side, to the other. (If you've been sailing before you understand, and if you haven't, I'm sorry about my sad description). My family warned me that it was really quick cool in the wind, and I brought many layers along, but we all forgot about my fair complexion until Sunday morning, when I woke up with a rather pink face. Always a bit embarassing

I'm slowly becoming more useful in the classrooms.... sometimes it feels like a ridiculous job, and I spend a few classes doing nothing. Then comes another teacher who treats me more like a partner in teaching, and I think, "this will be a great experience". I signed 20-something autographs for one grade 3 class on Tuesday... the eeriest experience. They mobbed me!

Yesterday I got a ride from some of the high school teachers to a demonstration in Kiel ( a port north of Hamburg, pop. half million), and planned on being a tourist for a few hours, but ran into 4 friends I had made at my training in Cologne! It was nice to catch up with them, and one of them already knew Kiel, so I saw a few more sights I might have missed alone.

Ooh! My laptop is now online, so this blog is becoming more interesting. I also have a silly blog where I just put up photos and make horrible punny titles, to honour Anna W.
And you might actually see me on MSN at odd times of the day!

That's about it for now.... I hope you're all doing well! If I'm taking my time responding to an email of yours, do forgive me! It's a lot more work now that I don't see all of you in person as often! I'm still really glad to hear from you - you write mostly in English, and I'm so tired of new people who I have to explain myself to, "I'm from Vancouver, and I just finished a music degree...."

I'm thinking of you all, and missing you! Take care of yourselves, d'year?



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