Thursday, September 07, 2006

Day 15 - the bike

Over the last week, I've been using the bike to get around, and I feel quite virtuous! It's about a half hour easy ride to the high school from my (current) house. I've been borrowing a bike the family doesn't use much, and it isn't the perfect size or anything, but it works! The thing is, I always feel so warm. So today, my host mother, Susanne, said it was supposed to be 30 degrees... so I figured, 'right - no jacket today! Enough with that extra bulk'. Or course, that meant that it rained. Pelting down rain. I rode half an hour back from the high school this afternoon, in soaking jeans, T-shirt, and sneakers. I had to completely change clothes before I went to the elementary school. I was NOT impressed!
So, I figure it's high time for me to become more village-transit savvy. I know how to get downtown, but now I need to know the busses too, not just the train lines. Wish me luck!

Also, wish me luck trying to get my own computer connected to the internet here. It's one of those details that I feel bad bothering the very-busy Susanne about, but I think it would make keeping in touch a lot easier - with MSN and a normal keyboard and the ability to upload photos, I would be in heaven!

Email coming soon - I have tomorrow off!



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