Monday, September 25, 2006

Big plans, nothing much happening at the moment

Okay, so the Germans are CRAZY for holidays! I have every Friday off, and next Tuesday is a holiday, so naturally the schools are closed on Monday too! I'm planning on travelling to Dresden (and maybe Prague) to see what I can see. I'm going to bring some other language-assistants (I can say bring, because I'm organizing them. It's a bit like herding small distracted children). I love meeting all of these other english-speakers, but sometimes it feels a bit like we're only friends because we speak english. It's not really a firm foundation for a meaningful, lasting friendship! Ah well. They're good people.

Also on the horizon (not next weekend but the weekend after).... my PARENTS COME TO EUROPE! YAAAY!!!!!
Okay, maybe it isn't cool to admit how excited I am, but I'm looking forward to seeing them so much. I've met tons of wonderful people here, and everyone's been so kind and generous, but I'm just dying to see someone I knew before August 24th. And it's not just anyone... it's my Mom and my Dad! and I get to show them my schools, and my homes, and they can meet some of my host families, and I can show them how my German isn't pathetic like it was 3 years ago when we were last in Europe together!

Oops- must go to dinner. More soon!


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