Saturday, May 19, 2007

May update

I'm officially a spotty correspondant. But there hasn't been a lot of really big news... after the big exciting Easter trip, the weather here was brilliantly summery for a few weeks. I moved from family 3 (Nerees), back to family 1 (Bensels), because they had less than their fair share of me at the start of my time here. It hasn't really worked out ideally for us seeing a lot of each other... sailing season is just starting, so they're away nearly every weekend, and I always have one little appointment which keeps me in town. Ah well! It's fun, anyhow.

It's field trip season right now: I went to court with a grade 6 class, slept over in the school one night with a grade 3 class, took a trip to a sand-duney island in the North Sea for a week with a grade 4 class, and I have a day trip to a cliff island with grade 13 students coming up Thursday. I've enjoyed all of the field trips, but find that they tend to involve a lot of similar-to-parental nagging: 'Be quiet!' 'Leave him alone!' 'Clean your room!' 'You are not an animal- don't eat like one' etc...

It's also holiday season: in May I get 5 days off school because of Labour Day, Acension, and Pentecost, among other things.
This adds up to very little time in the classroom, so sometimes it feels more like a special occasion when I am there! I spend most of those days explaining where I've been, and why I won't be there the next days.

This long weekend, I travelled down to the west Rhine area of Germany to visit Emily Cheung, a friend from UBC who was touring around Europe with a choir. I spent a fun afternoon and evening with her, and caught their choir concert! Then Friday morning I took an early train to Kassel, where I had done my summer German program two years ago, and told the current students about the assistant teacher program I'm doing now! I got a bit of stage fright, and said everything a bit too fast, but was saved by other helpful teachers. It was fun to see an old friend, Iain, who had lived with the same host family two years ago. We caught up and shopped the rest of the sunny Friday. The whole experience of being in the school and Kassel with Canadian students again two years later was a bit trippy. I really noticed how much more comfortable I am with German now.

Future plans? Send many of my possessions home, say many thank yous, and leave Wohltorf on the 1st of June with Anna Angotti, a high school friend who's touring around Europe this summer. We'll spend three weeks together, touring through Switzerland, seeing Rome, and doing as much of France as we can squeeze in! Then I'm flying home on the 24th of June, in time to see the Chor Leoni Bard on the Beach show the next day, and leave for a family trip to Vancouver Island the day after! So if you're wondering when I'll be back, the practical answer is: Canada Day.

I'm really enjoying these last crazy weeks here, but also looking forward to coming home to my friends and family. There's no replacing you! I hope you're all doing well, and enjoying the lovely long days of May!



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